
Hise Family 13


My identity finally settled - I am a Son.  Son of a good, kind, perfect Father - who is also a King.  A good description of my story would be that of a limping leader.  

Exploration Geophysicist is where I began professionally, consistently spending my company's money but not finding any Oil & Gas! Great manager/leader moved me into the Professional Development and Training side of that industry in 1985. I found my passion and my gifting - the 'science' if you will behind authenticating how to help other people succeed.

Married the love of my life - Kathy - in 1986. Note the picture as proof I have Marketing and Sales skills!! By 1991, we had formed our first of several companies. Not every launch finished well; some however did very well.  Never follow someone who has never failed at something - you could be their pilot test!

I did not know to call it "Clarity" back then, I just knew I had been blessed with an ability to understand some things...connect some dots if you will.  Entrepreneur and Strategist, skill sets through which we have been blessed. Traveling extensively, internationally and I will add - exhaustively.

Among many highlights: teaching at a Free Enterprise conference in Prague CZ - at a dark almost windowless campus once used to indoctrinate grade school kids into Communism. Among the low points: watching a business dissolve and fail while powerless to change the outcome. That is where I discovered the reality of being a Limping Leader.

Since mid-1990's my focus has been in Financial Services industry. Clarity is a good skill set to have when you are helping people navigate the various financial decisions and changing financial trajectories your life will see.

Mountain lake

Majorities of people seem to practically wallow around in social media 24/7, we instantly access data from anywhere in the world, even data in a foreign language.  So why aren't our lives more - well - Clear?  Data rich; truth poverty.

The ability to authenticate patterns and reclaim a trajectory toward Clarity is a Gifting from Father.  A good and perfect Father-God, a King from another realm wanted me to know this:  He  has been working on His "welcome home" speech longer then I have been working on my "I'm sorry" speech.  He wants you to know the same!

Contact info is here and I promise I have neither time nor motivation to sell your contact info.